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5 signs of vicodin addiction

Vicodin is one of the most frequently abused drugs in the United States. It is a mixture of the opiate hydrocodone and the over the counter medication acetaminophen. The reason for Vicodins’ high rates of abuse is because it is so commonly prescribed even for those who may not necessarily need it. Vicodin can be prescribed for any kind of pain including fibromyalgia and even a wisdom tooth extraction. This is dangerous because it means Vicodin is easily obtained. Another one of the dangers of Vicodin is that it does give relief from pain and while it gives relief from pain it can also cause individuals to become physically dependent on it to feel normal. Eventually this physical dependence on Vicodin can lead them down a dark road into Vicodin addiction. On a side note, there are some people who begin taking Vicodin mainly for recreational purposes and find themselves in the same boat.

Here are 5 signs of Vicodin Addiction:

  1. Usage Increase – Over time, it is common for individuals taking Vicodin to grow tolerant to the effects of their prescribed dose. If someone you know seems to be increasing his/her Vicodin dose over time, this is an indication that the amount of Vicodin they were taking is no longer providing them relief. This is usually one of the very first signs of a Vicodin addiction. If you notice pills are disappearing quicker than usual then the person you know may have a Vicodin addiction.
  2. Change in Daily Habits and Appearance – Personal hygiene may diminish as a result of a drug addiction to Vicodin. Sleeping and eating habits change, and a person may have a constant cough, runny nose and red, glazed eyes. This is because the Vicodin is beginning to take precedence over everything else in their life and they are merely focused on getting high. This is another one of our 5 signs of Vicodin addiction.
  3. Nodding out regularly and Forgetfulness – Another clear indication of a Vicodin addiction is when the person regularly forgets events that have taken place and appears to be suffering blackouts because they are so high on Vicodin all the time. Nodding out is usually one of the first signs of Vicodin addiction. Nodding out causes someone who has a Vicodin addiction to appear sleepy all the time to the point where they could fall asleep sitting up.
  4. Physical symptoms of Vicodin addiction-Someone with an addiction to anything will begin to exhibit physical signs of their Vicodin addiction. Some of the physical signs of a Vicodin addiction are nausea, passing out, vomiting, anxiety, irritability and an inability to have a conversation or complete a task.
  5. Time Spent on Obtaining Prescriptions to Vicodin or Obsession to Vicodin – A dependent person will spend large amounts of time driving great distances and visiting multiple doctors to obtain Vicodin. They also will compulsively take the drug especially when they are stressed or after the euphoric effects of the drug have worn off. Watch for signs that he or she seems preoccupied with a quest for Vicodin, demonstrating that the Vicodin has become their top priority.

Other signs of a Vicodin addiction include:

  • Stealing, forging or selling prescriptions for Vicodin
  • Taking higher doses of Vicodin than prescribed
  • Excessive mood swings or hostility
  • Increase or decrease in sleep
  • Poor decision making
  • Appearing to be high, unusually energetic or revved up, or sedated
  • Continually “losing” prescriptions for their Vicodin, so more prescriptions must be written
  • Seeking Vicodin prescriptions from more than one doctor (Doctor shopping)

Luckily anyone who has a Vicodin addiction can get help and doesn’t have to continue on in the vicious cycle that is a Vicodin addiction or opiate dependence. There are many inpatient treatment centers and detoxes as well as outpatient ones to treat any kind of prescription pill addiction including an addiction to Vicodin. The detox from Vicodin will not be pleasant but is also not fatal. Using a detox center for Vicodin addiction is the safest and surest bet to beat it once and for all.

If your loved one is in need of treatment for Vicodin addiction, please give us a call at 800-951-6135.

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