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Being in sobriety, there are a lot of times when we fall short and aren’t exactly the happiest people to be around. I’ve noticed that as addicts and alcoholics, we are highly emotional people (most of us) and we can get moody and be unhappy just like anyone else and it usually takes a lot less to get us to that point. I’ve come up with 15 signs you aren’t feeling super spiritual.

1. When people say good morning, you don’t understand the connection between the good and the morning (seriously, there is nothing good about mornings)

2. You are very easily put in a bad mood (I just don’t understand why it is necessary for this person to even speak to me at all)

3. Instead of cleaning and doing the dishes, you think it would be much easier to just break them all and throw them away (YOLO)

4. You feel the urge to shout NOBODY CARES when someone is telling you something about their day (just shut up please)

5. Nothing sounds more appealing than a day long nap (it’s only the best part of the day)

6. People keep asking you what is wrong (I’ve been smiling at everyone all day, I don’t get it?)

7. When you get frustrated at work, you have to hold back from throwing your computer across the room (first thought wrong)

8. The best response you have for people today is “whatever” (it can seriously be used to answer any and every question)

9. Talking to your sponsor or supports is the last thing you want to do (you only want to talk to the friends that co-sign everything you say)

10. You are going through your menstrual cycle (really, it makes you unspiritual like every time)

11. You start crying at the drop of a hat for no real reason (no one even noticed my new haircut today)

12. All the feelings and thoughts you are having have officially become too much (can’t feel or think anymore today)

13. You don’t understand why your friends aren’t doing everything in their power to make you happy (what’s wrong with them?)

14. Everything and every situation is all about you (what else would it be about?)

15. Drinking or getting high actually sounds like a good idea (this one is obvious, but sometimes not if you are in such a bad spiritual place)


We all go through days where we aren’t exactly ourselves for multiple different reasons; but no matter what’s going on in your life remember to stay connected to your higher power and the program. When I’m having a bad day the last thing I want to do is pray about it, meditate or call a sober support but those usually end up being the only things that make me feel better. I find a good way to keep my spirituality in its best and highest condition is to keep people around me who are doing the right things and will call me out if I’m feeling or acting different than usual. If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll free 1-800-951-6135.

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