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5 Celebs Who Relapsed (But Are Sober Now!)

Being famous and being an addict can be tough. Being famous and being sober is probably in a way, even harder. We hear it said, we have to change “people, places, things” but it’s got to be difficult to do that when you’re a celebrity in Hollywood. After all, in order to do your job, you still have to hobnob with some of the same people, visit a lot of the same places and be a part of the same main thing: Hollywood. And, as we know, addiction is a chronic, progressive, relapsing disorder. That isn’t to say that everyone recovering from addiction will relapse at one time or another but, it’s definitely a stark reality. And having role models who have relapsed but return to a life of sobriety is inspiring indeed. Here are 5 celebs who relapsed but are sober now.

Gerard Butler

Although Butler quit drinking 15 years ago, he was in rehab just a few years back – this time for an addiction to prescription painkillers. Butler began taking painkillers after an injury while shooting the movie Shattered in 2007. “I started taking more. And I started taking them very quickly.” He says he sought treatment through a rehab before it got too out of hand. Butler has been clean and sober ever since.

Keith Urban

Urban has been to rehab three times, for cocaine and alcohol addiction. You do the math; the man has certainly experienced a few relapses along the way. One of which was around the time he met Nicole Kidman but, has been sober for six years now. “The truth is that I wasn’t even aware of where it was at in my life and how it was just going to come down and take me down like it did,” he told Ellen in 2010. “I was probably in such a state of denial that I consciously wasn’t aware of it.”

Robert Downey Jr.

After repeated attempts at rehab, Robert Downey Jr. says he’s been drug-free since July 2003. He credits his family, therapy, meditation, a twelve-step recovery program, yoga and the practice of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Downey is an inspiring role model to many of us in recovery because he was the chronic-relapser type but, today is living a clean and sober lifestyle and is more successful than ever.


After struggling with alcohol and painkillers, Eminem went to rehab and got sober several years ago. He first relapsed within three weeks, and after a month his addiction worse than ever. He says he effectively went sober on April 20, 2008. Eminem calls Elton John a close friend and was mentored by him during this time.

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne became addicted to Vicodin at the age of 17. After a fourth stint in rehab in 2009, she says she finally feels optimistic about her chances at recovery. “After 30 days, I left rehab. For the first time, I felt hopeful. I knew I’d been given another chance at my life, at my career, at happiness. I wanted to grab it.”

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