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There are no clear-cut signs that you are doing recovery right but there are certain things that people who are successful in recovery have in common. Now, that’s not to say that if you’re doing these things you aren’t going to relapse but any one I have met who is doing these things seems like they are genuinely in a good place with their recovery. I’ve made a list of 9 signs you’re doing recovery right to help show what my idea of a respectable recovering alcoholic or addict looks like.

9 Signs You’re Doing Recovery Right…

1. You’re happy and at peace with yourself (no one gets sober to be miserable.)

2. You live in the present moment (not in the past or the future.)

3. You’re helping others (to keep it, you have to give it away.)

4. You don’t take credit for being sober (it was the program and your higher power.)

5. You truly understand and believe the statement ‘Progress not Perfection.’ (You’re not perfect and that’s okay.)

6. You continue to be grateful (a grateful addict is a recovering addict.)

7. You show up today (because you know actions mean more than your words or intentions.)

8. You stay willing to change (being stagnant is dangerous for any alcoholic or addict.)

9. You always remember to put your higher power and program before everything else (otherwise you will lose it all anyway)

These are just some signs that I’ve noticed in the people I admire in recovery. There are many other signs that show you are doing well in recovery and there are even some people who show the signs above that aren’t doing so great in their programs. You need to continue to check in with yourself and stay connected to your sober supports and your higher power. Remember that it is all about progress not perfection. No alcoholic or addict is going to get sober and all of a sudden become perfect (we’ll actually never be perfect.) As long as you are aware and are constantly making that effort to improve and keep learning and growing then that’s what is going to keep you sober.

No matter how many important things come up in life, ALWAYS keep your higher power and program first. It is so true that if you put anything before your program, you’re going to lose it. Those who experience happiness and good things in recovery tend to experience other good things in life as well; just don’t forget to keep doing what you need to do to stay sober. Don’t make the mistakes I’ve seen a lot of people make and get miserable in your recovery and in so much pain before you’re willing to change. Continue to always help the new sick and suffering alcoholic or addict, they are the most important person in any meeting or fellowship. Not only can you help them, but it will end up making you feel good about yourself, too. If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll free 1-800-951-6135.

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