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Addiction Treatment in Shelburne, VT

Addiction Treatment in Shelburne, VT: What is Addiction?

Addiction is a medical condition that involves several different aspects: physiological, physical and psychological. The first two can mostly be described as having developed a physical dependence, also known as ‘tolerance’ – meaning that you need to have more and more of a substance in order to achieve the same effect that you used to get from smaller amounts, or lower doses. When you try to stop, you experience physical and psychological symptoms, known as drug/alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

Having an addiction also means that you continue to use or drink – whichever the case – despite wanting to stop and despite negative social, financial, and legal consequences. People who are addicted to alcohol or other drugs usually experience such problems as loss of a job, marriage, and other relationships. Also, people who are addicted often have financial and legal troubles such as fines and even jail time as a result of their addiction, both directly and indirectly. Addiction treatment in Shelburne, VT can help.

Addiction Treatment in Shelburne: Withdrawal Syndrome

Research reveals that people struggling with addiction issues feel that the main obstacle to quitting drugs and alcohol is their fear of the withdrawal syndrome – that is how profound, uncomfortable, and even scary it can be. Not only can withdrawal be extremely uncomfortable, it can be potentially life-threatening. Addiction treatment in Shelburne includes detox programs that specialize in treating substance abuse and physical dependence so that you can begin to live your life without the crutch of drugs and alcohol.

Addiction Treatment in Shelburne Step One: Detox

The first step in the process of addiction treatment in Shelburne is called a medical detox. During this phase of treatment, you will be evaluated in order to find out what drug or drugs you are using, for how long, and how much is currently in your system. This is done by way of a urine drug screen. Because addiction treatment in Shelburne is provided in a medical setting and because drug addiction is recognized as a chronic medical condition, the results of your drug screen and information disclosed during your assessment are strictly confidential just like any other medical information is. All of this is done in order to make a treatment plan that will best serve you.

During detox, you will be giving certain medications in order to wean you off of drugs and alcohol in both a safe and comfortable manner. Withdrawal syndrome is a real and very serious condition that involves uncomfortable and even frightening symptoms that could lead to coma and death if not treated properly. If you are detoxing from painkillers or other opiates, you will be given other specific medication to manage your withdrawal symptoms and keep you as comfortable as possible in the detoxification process.

Addiction Treatment in Shelburne Step Two: Rehab

The rehab stage of addiction treatment in Shelburne VT can last up to 30 days, sometimes longer, and offers safe haven while you heal and recover from your drug addiction. During rehab, you will have all your needs provided for including nice, comfortable housing and well-balanced meals while you are given essential, life-saving information about substance abuse and addiction so that you can learn how to cope in healthy ways, without the use of drugs. You will attend both individual and group therapy sessions where you will begin to heal your mind while healing your body and you will learn tools and coping methods in order to live a healthy lifestyle once you complete your addiction treatment in Shelburne. If you or a loved one is seeking addiction treatment in Shelburne VT please call toll-free 1-800-951-6135.

Where do calls go?

Calls to numbers on a specific treatment center listing will be routed to that treatment center. Additional calls will also be forwarded and returned by a quality treatment center within the USA, which includes Right Path Rehab

Calls to any general helpline (non-facility specific 1-8XX numbers) for your visit will be answered by a licensed drug and alcohol rehab facility, a paid advertiser on

All calls are private and confidential.

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