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Adverse Health Effects of Oxycodone 

Oxycodone is a very strong prescription painkiller. It is effective in treating moderate to severe pain, but it can have some negative side effects. Oxycodone addiction can lead to even greater health risks and side effects. Here are the most common adverse health effects of oxycodone:

Adverse Health Effects of Oxycodone: Nervous System

Oxycodone is a powerful nervous system depressant. Thus the most common adverse health effects of oxycodone come from its effect on the nervous system. These include drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and lightheadedness.

Adverse Health Effects of Oxycodone: Respiratory System

Oxycodone depresses respiratory function by its action on the respiratory centers in the brain stem. It both reduces the responsiveness of the brain stem to increases in carbon dioxide tension and to electrical stimulation. Of all the adverse health effects of oxycodone, this can be the most dangerous, sometimes causing apnea, respiratory arrest, and circulatory arrest.

Adverse Health Effects of Oxycodone: Gastrointestinal

Oxycodone produces nausea and vomiting due to its sometimes powerful effect on the gastrointestinal (GI) system. Many first time users of oxycodone vomit or get nauseous, particularly if oxycodone is taken on an empty stomach. This is because oxycodone directly triggers chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) (aka the vomit center) located in the medulla. Usually, the frequency and severity of this effect diminishes with time.

Oxycodone also causes constipation and slowed digestion. It decreases the production of acid in the stomach so digestion is slowed, and it also decreases muscle action in the colon resulting in constipation.

Adverse Health Effects of Oxycodone: Cardiovascular

Oxycodone causes the peripheral blood vessels to dilate, causing blood pressure to drop. This adverse health effect of oxycodone is responsible for the feeling of lightheadedness that comes along with oxycodone use. It can also cause flushing, red eyes, or sweating, which are common adverse health effects of oxycodone.

Adverse Health Effects of Oxycodone: Long-term

Use of oxycodone over a long period of time can cause a number of adverse health effects. Even if a person is taking oxycodone as prescribed, they can become dependent on it. The risk of dependence is even greater if oxycodone is abused. Tolerance is when you need more and more of a substance to produce the same effect. When tolerance develops, you can’t stop taking the drug without withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes, withdrawal from oxycodone can be severe.

Another long-term adverse health effect of oxycodone includes mood and behavior changes. Often, long term users of oxycodone experience mood swings. They may go from happy one minute to sad the next. These mood and behavior changes can make a user unpredictable. They may become aggressive or easily agitated.

Other adverse health effects of oxycodone when it is used over a long time include permanent changes in the cardiovascular system and the brain. For example, build-up of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain which puts pressure on the tissue. The increase in pressure can cause changes in mental function. Seizures can occur. In addition, oxycodone use lowers heart rate. Over time, this can cause heart failure.

If your loved one is in need of Oxycodone Addiction Treatment, please give us a call at 800-951-6135.


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