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things women in recovery say

We are just poking fun here so don’t get all riled up if you find that you do one or all of these things. I do them too. It is good to laugh at ourselves and take a nice humility check every now and then. In fact humility is a key ingredient to staying sober. I hope you guys ( I mean ladies) enjoy this one and have fun! Never take yourself too seriously!

Here is stuff women in recovery say:

I have gotten so fat– No what you have gotten is healthy. Saying you are fat is the farthest thing from the truth. I mean I get it because you probably have gained some weight but gaining weight doesn’t mean you are fat. Trust me. I am sure you look amazing just the way you are.

I am on a man ban-If you have put yourself on a man ban chances are it won’t last very long. If your sponsor has put you on a man ban chances are it won’t last very long. The point I am trying to make is if you have to put yourself on a man ban chances are you won’t be very good at staying away from men. Just hang out with more women and sponsor more girls. That will help.

Do you really think she’s sober?-Gossip 101 over here. Whether or not someone is actually sober is actually none of our business. Gossip hurts. Gossip is unnecessary. And yet gossip is inevitable. Just remember though if you don’t want anyone talking about you, than don’t talk about anyone else. We fear the most what is in ourselves.

There are no good guys around here– Yeah there are they just aren’t the ones you “want”. There are plenty of decent single men everywhere. I think it is actually 1.2 billion of them. God will take care of your relationship status so don’t worry about the good guys or bad guys.

#soberissexy #selfie – yep.

I want to start working out– Wanting and doing are two very, very, different things. Instead of wanting to work out how about you just start working out. It is easier that way. Once you get on schedule than it will be easier to stick with. I know this feeling. I have said this before. But I can say that until I am blue in face and still feel like “I have gotten so fat.” What is going to make a difference is actually getting up and going to work out. No excuses!

OMG I am soooo blessed-This usually comes in the form of Facebook status to let the whole world know how actually sober you are. One of these every now and then is cool. This status multiple times though over a short period of time, even in different variations, is obnoxious, to be totally honest. We get it. That is awesome. Why do you have to tell us every day though? No seriously, think about that. Whyyyy?

I have so many amazing friends– This is another Facebook update. And yes, we know. They are included within the different variations of your sooo blessed Facebook status. Let your amazing friends know how amazing they are on an individual basis. Don’t tag all 99 of them. Honestly there is going to be that one person that just doesn’t want to get the 312 notifications when all of your amazing friends comment on it.

Put your big girl panties on– This is one woman in recovery speaking to another woman in recovery. Pretty much it is the female version of, excuse me while I say this; grow a pair. It means gaining the courage to do what you need to do and is a great little quip for getting the point across.

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