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7 Things You Notice at Parties When You're Sober

The life of the party can seem almost like two opposite sides of a coin when comparing living in sobriety with actively drinking or using drugs.  As someone actively using drugs or drinking it can be this blurred vision of a frenzy of social connection. It can seem intense and dramatic, or glorified and abstract. In sobriety it can be a lot less dramatic and abstract.

When you’re sober at a party, you will probably pick up on some things you probably would over-look when intoxicated, and can even enjoy yourself a lot more. To relate it to personal and shared experience, these are 7 things you notice at parties when you’re sober.

1. Awkward Momentum

7 Things You Notice at Parties When You're Sober

Sometimes you notice at a party that people who are drinking typically take some time to warm up to each other. Someone could come into the party alone and avoiding all conversation, but once they get a few drinks in them they become a social butterfly. This momentum is created when someone who may be social awkward needs a substance to let go of their reservations. They can go from the most quite person in the room, to a babbling ego-maniac in just a few drinks.

2. Dancing Disorder

7 Things You Notice at Parties When You're Sober

People at parties getting wasted often suffer from a down-right embarrassing dancing disorder. You will notice when you’re sober that some people who have a little too much ‘party favors’ will develop this disorder quickly and without warning. They will ‘rage’ for hours on end in what typically look like displays of flopping around, hips shaking, and slurred singing to random songs. Sometimes it’s a blast to dance circles around them, but it’s always funny to watch and be grateful your sobriety can allow you to have much smoother moves.

3. Friendly Fights

7 Things You Notice at Parties When You're Sober

Another typical situation you will encounter as a sober party goer is the frequent and spontaneous fights between friends that can break out over almost nothing! When you were drinking or using drugs, some of these fights probably seemed justified and even exciting. When you’re sober and not flexing your drunk-muscles you can usually see how pointless and annoying these fights can get. One guy spills another’s drink, and you might as well be in the roman coliseum.

4. Passed Out Party 

7 Things You Notice at Parties When You're Sober

When you’re sober at a party, and the night starts to wind down, you will probably notice more than anyone the amusing amounts of bodies accumulating on couches, beds, even tucked away in closets and bathrooms where party people retreat to sleep it off. It can be like a scavenger hunt trying to find your friends who have had a few too many and can’t keep themselves awake. Happy hunting!

5. Deep Drunken Dialog

7 Things You Notice at Parties When You're Sober

Parties always have those people who get a little messed up and instantly become philosophers. This type of person usually uses alcohol or drugs to unlock the secret to life. Because nothing brings a party closer to unlimited knowledge of universal truth like poisoning their minds with chemicals, right? A sober individual can listen in on these lectures on intoxicated enlightenment and find the logic to be hilarious and sometimes just too ridiculous not to let it blow your mind. But if you don’t get it you’re just not deep enough.

6. Love… or Something Like It?

7 Things You Notice at Parties When You're Sober

People who have plenty to drink often seem to get a little love-struck. It often comes in the form of repeated hugs and confessions of loyalty and affection.  When people at a party get to that point, they find so many good reasons to love you, and you will NEVER understand how much you REALLY mean to them, because they know what they’re saying, even if they are too messed up to know WHO they are saying it to.

7. Surprised You’re Sober

7 Things You Notice at Parties When You're Sober

Partiers who are drinking and using just don’t understand most times why you are not. You will probably notice the reactions people give you can vary in a wide range of shock, awe and sympathy, like this tragedy should not go over-looked or without investigation! Some people are almost offended you won’t drink with them, and others are just curious and come up with their own back-story as to why you wouldn’t be getting wasted; like it’s a trick question or a practical joke. No worries though, odds are they won’t remember it in 5 minutes and ask you if you want a drink anyway.

Sobriety creates a new perspective on a lot of life. Being in recovery gives us opportunities to experience all the excitement we looked for in active addiction with clarity, and sobriety has plenty of advantages when it comes to the party life. The party does NOT have to stop just because you get sober, and actually reaches new levels of excitement and lasting experiences. Many in recovery say they have more fun in sobriety than they ever had drinking and using, and they don’t have to endanger themselves or others to make it happen. If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll-free 1-800-951-6135

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