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What is Your Recovery Personality Type?

In active addiction, there isn’t much left of our personality. We’re mostly consumed with the getting and using of our DOCs. Other times, we’re too high or strung out to display much of a personality at all. Getting clean and sober means developing our personalities all over again and letting our light shine. Within the recovery community, there are several archetypes of people. So, what is your recovery personality type? Did you make the list?

#1. The Big Book Thumper

You know this type – thy can tell you exactly what page you can find any specific piece of program literature or suggestion – off the top of their head. The Big Book thumper doesn’t give any advice or make any suggestions other than what it specifically says in the Big Book.

#2. The Rescuer

The rescuer recovery personality type is the one who is always going on 12 step calls – even in the middle of the night. They most likely have several sponsees at a time and pretty much make it a full time job to sponsor newcomers.

#3. The Procrastinator

This recovery personality type is the type to rests on their laurels, allowing themselves to become complacent in their sobriety and with their program of recovery. The Procrastinator waits until the last minute to take action, often enduring more and more pain and misery before they are finally willing to do something about it.

#4. The 13th Stepper

Beware the thirteenth stepper. This person sees meetings as meat markets, essentially, and is more interested in bagging the newcomer than sharing in the solution at meetings. This recovery personality type is basically a sociopath, not caring about the feelings or well-being of others; they are only interested in fulfilling their own needs and wants without regard to how it may affect others.

#5. The Dry Drunk/Addict

This person is just plain miserable. They might be clean and sober but they certainly aren’t happy about it. The dry drunk or dry addict shirks their program, barely going to meetings or, if they are making meetings, they aren’t doing the work on themselves that is required of working a program.

#6. The Spiritual Guru

OK, so it is a spiritual program, however, the spiritual guru type really takes their spirituality to the next level. They’re usually the ones who go around suggesting that you read or see The Secret and speak at length about their crystals and herbal teas. They probably just came from a most healing and enlightening Reiki session whenever you encounter them.

#7. The Exercise Addict

It’s true, many of us – when we first get clean and sober – put on that extra layer of recovery weight (believe me, I’m not pointing any fingers; I put on about 30 pounds in probably 2 weeks). Whereas I am still trying to get motivated to do something about the few pounds I wish to shed – I definitely needed some of that weight as I was about 20 pounds underweight from my active addiction – there are those who have taken their exercise regimen to the extreme. The exercise addict, aka the gym rat, becomes obsessed with body image and goes around wanting to talk about their “gains” all the time.

#8. The Workaholic

The workaholic recovery personality type is the person who throws themselves wholeheartedly into their job and their hobbies.  Another way to describe this type is the Busy Bee, who manages to stay sober by staying busy every minute of the day. This person is likely fearful that any idle time will immediately lead to relapse and so they are afraid to relax and take it easy.

#9. The Socialite

This person enjoys going to meetings mostly for the social aspect of it. They meet up with friends and also pass their time in the meeting texting one another and comparing outfits.

#10. The Drama Queen

The drama queen or drama king is always in crisis mode and always seems to have a story to tell. This recovery personality type is pretty good about using their sober supports but mostly because they just need an audience to hear their latest drama; they’re not really interested in hearing suggestions. The drama addict is also the one to most likely post vague cries for help as their Facebook status, as they crave the foreseeable comment thread consisting of the “are you okays,” the “call me, babes,” and the “keep your head ups.”

This post serves to provide entertainment, especially to those in recovery or who are familiar with the recovery community perhaps because they have a loved one who is recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. If you are struggling with substance abuse or addiction or else you suspect that someone you love is currently suffering, just know that there is hope. Call us toll-free at 1-800-951-6135 to speak directly with an Addiction Specialist. We are available 24/7 to answer your questions and share resources. You are not alone.

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