Photo Credit: www.wifflegif.com
Personally, when I first got sober I really wanted to know how the people in the rooms were so happy and healthy in their recovery. There are so many different habits that contribute to being a happy and healthy person but I’ve thought of the 10 best habits of happy healthy people in recovery.The 10 Best Habits of Happy Healthy People in Recovery:
1. Express Gratitude
There’s this expression that goes “a grateful alcoholic/addict is a sober alcoholic/addict.” I’ve found this to be very true for me and countless others. If you stay in gratitude and think positively, your outlook on everything can change.
2. Live in the present moment
This is something I struggle with daily; I’m always trying to live in the past or future and never stop and just be present with myself. When we were in active addiction we had no problem living one day at a time, even one minute at a time. Do your best to live in the now.
3. Practice spirituality and meditation
Spirituality and meditation are my favorite and one of the most important parts of the program. In recovery, we must grow along spiritual lines and spend time with our higher power in order to stay sober.
4. Stay close to positive people who work a good program of recovery
Staying around positive and healthy people who work a respectable program of recovery can end up rubbing off on you. It is so true that you are who you hang out with; keep people around who are doing good and living a positive lifestyle.
5. Practice acceptance
When I get angry or am unhappy with life a lot of it is based on me not being able to practice acceptance. We have to accept life on life’s terms and stop trying to change everything to be exactly how we want it and what we find acceptable.
6. Live an honest life
If you aren’t honest in your program of recovery and in your daily life it can end up coming back to haunt you; our secrets can keep us sick. Honesty is a huge thing for me today because I always lied about everything in my addiction. The good thing is I can be honest today because I have no reason to lie.
7. They are constantly growing in their recovery
At times a lot of people in recovery tend to get stagnant and complacent. We don’t get sober to reach a certain point and just be like “okay, I’m here.” We get sober and are supposed to continue growing and bettering ourselves.
8. Don’t hold on to resentments
Resentments is one of the things that takes a lot of addicts and alcoholics back out into a relapse. Holding onto resentments towards someone, something or a place can just end up hurting you. I learned that letting go of those things is in my best interest and needed to keep me sober.
9. Take care of themselves and put their recovery first
No matter what, happy and healthy people in recovery always put their recovery first before everything else. If we don’t keep our recovery first we can end up losing our recovery and everything else along with it.
10. They are open to change
Change isn’t always a bad thing and being open to change is wonderful. For me and a lot of addicts and alcoholics I know, change can be scary and difficult. I’ve come to realize that change isn’t always a bad thing though and that in sobriety I need to stay open to things changing.
If you or a loved one are struggling with substance abuse or addiction, please call toll free 1-800-951-6135.